About Me

I am a mum of two and a wife. I live in Sydney, Australia, where I migrated to in 2014 from beautiful Slovenia, the only country with the 'love' in it's name.

Most of the people in business know me from my consulting background or from my work in executive management (Head of PMO- Project Management Office). In parallel I have been working on my own business - writing, consulting start ups, business owners, companies and various kinds of coaching and counselling. I love working with individuals on their personal transformation and growth.

My passion for personal growth started since I was ten, when I was reading books by Viktor Frankl, logo-therapy and others, and I wanted to study psychotherapy but there was no such study in Slovenia at that time. At the same time my dad kept teaching me about the business and the fundamentals of what I call today how to be an entrepreneur.

To deepen my knowledge I also studied/trained in (see cherry picked only):

  • Focusing (therapetic method for resolving traumas)
  • with Robert Najemy (Certified Holistic Harmony Life Coach)
  • Embodiment (Certified Embodiment Coach)
  • I am studying Masters of Psychotherapy and Counselling

Embodiment and body as a second brain

Due to my personal experiences, more than ten years of therapy and supervision, and a deep understanding of the human psyche, embodiment, and trauma, I have developed a unique approach in supporting people on their path, that can bring you lasting results.

I work with the body where past memories of trauma are stored and together we unlock your ability to start refer to the body as the second brain. Your body can become your biggest ally and source of safety.

Bessel Van Der Kolk, well known psychiatrist and researcher, has found out that work with the body can bring lasting results to his clients. Namely, trauma leaves imprinted memories on the body and when we start working with the body, we can effectively process and release it.

I am driven by results

I either play as it’s my skin in the game or not at all.

With an entrepreneurial mindset, I lead to achieve stretched and aspirational goals. I used to say ‘deploy or die’ because it’s often critical not just to be on the market fast, but to be the first. But saying that, this won't bring lasting results, if our first priority are not people. With a people-centric approach, I have seen and led teams to achieve long-term values and huge ROI. In the end, we all want to leave permanent results.

And here my embodiment work, coaching and counselling skills become important in the corporate field. We spend majority of our time at work. Being heard, understood, supported is incredibly important. The way we treat people it has enormous effect on company's results. As they said, level five leadership moves companies from Good to Great.

Want to know more? Do not hold back - I will be pleased to have a chat!


Spela Adamic