1 min read

Are you aware of different perspectives?

If not, you’re missing a lot.

How many times you’ve encountered people with different views, and you just couldn’t stand what they were saying? How easy is it to label others and use any kind of available justifications to do so?

No one is immune to an anchoring effect; that is, to make our judgement calls based on the information that it is available to us in a precise moment, and it causes our biases. But when making judgements, especially when it comes to other people, we should (if we want to understand the things as they are not as what we might perceive them to be) listen more. Seek understanding more – respect one another more. Otherwise, we miss the opportunity to grow in our relationships together, learn more about the others and the world around us.

Sometimes you’ll seek another perspective and especially when meeting humans, the different perspective will find you.