Career coaching and consulting

The average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. This is around one-third of your life. Yet, many are going to work in a job they do not like, or they are not showing their full potential or they do not find meaning in it. Some are happy they even have work, and the others are in a desperate situation not able to secure their job.

I am not sure about you, but in my generation, it was believed that if you did well at school and finished your University, you would be secure and well provided in a job.

But the market has rapidly changed since. It keeps changing based on a balance or imbalance in a broader economic landscape. From Great resignation to higher unemployment, each market and industry show different faces - we have to find the right approach and engagement to secure or create our dream job.

It can be challenging:

  • People might put you in a box, and this prevents you from getting the role you want or deserve.
  • You might migrate to a new country and don't know whether it's discrimination preventing you from getting the role or there is something else.
  • You have accomplished so much for a company, yet your recognition is not there.
  • You do not see a purpose in your current work and want to transition to a different role.
  • You think you deserve a better salary but continuously get underpaid jobs.
  • Sending applications for the roles doesn't work.
  • You know you are capable, but you do not shine at interviews, and your confidence level appears low.
  • You feel trapped in a current role for whatever reason.
  • You wonder what's that invisible mountain of job opportunities that are not advertised on the market.

It does not need to be so hard.

Over the years, I have developed tools and tactics to help you secure your dream job. Your life is too important to waste it in the wrong place or a destructive role, or being held back by unhealthy beliefs or lack of inner resources that would enable you to thrive.

I have helped numerous individuals to make the next step. It would also be an honour to support you on your path to success.