Embodiment coaching

Embodiment coaching works very efficiently, and it can bring you profound results. It unlocks the wisdom of a body; we can start using our body as a second brain and turn it into our superpower.

What is the embodiment, I hear you ask.

The simplest way to explain it is by being in touch with our bodies and being able to process things on a somatic-bodily level.

When we try to process things on a cognitive level, we can do only so much. When we focus on processing things on a somatic-body level, we can go deep much faster, and the results can be permanent. Though the definition might look simple, it can be one of the hardest things someone can do. Because the body stores everything. All trauma memories, all unpleasant stuff that we would prefer to escape it. In practice, we often deal with this by unconsciously moving away from the painful experience by dissociating, watching Netflix, browsing on the phone, eating junk food, drinking alcohol and other chemical or non-chemical additions.

As a society, we are wired for disconnection. We are mostly in our heads. The same way as the whole school system brought us up. Consequently, we miss what is going on. With us. And with others.

We then self-regulate through various forms of addictions, working tirelessly and constantly busy; we eat poorly or even too healthy when taken to extremes, choose partners and friends that are not good for us, and work in companies that are not the right fit for us.

But there is a better way, where we can learn to increase our inner capacity to deal with all the various stressors in our life.

Through embodiment coaching, we can make massive progress in dealing with high-pressure, difficult situations and complex personalities and relationships and making important life decisions, from parenting to leadership at work. The list of opportunities where you can use embodiment knowledge is unlimited, as it's endless context and various problems we might have to deal with.

If you choose to do the embodiment coaching, my promise is that you will:

  • Get equipped with practical tools, tips and tricks that you can use in your personal and professional life to deal with any challenges.
  • Get more insights about yourself and how you show up for yourself and others.
With embodiment coaching, you can use the new skills anywhere in your closest intimate relationships and in the corporate environment, where you will have access to your superpower - the ability to understand yourself and others better and make better choices.